about me

Hello, my name is William Muli from Nairobi, Kenya.

I am a Software Developer with a bias in web based systems and mobile applications. I have experience close to 2 years designing and implementing solutions to meet various business requirements.

I am a tech enthusiast passionate about technology and its potential to change the lives of people all over the world.


80% C#
75% PHP
60% Java
80% JavaScript
80% CSS
60% Android
80% Laravel

I have various skills both in the front end and back end. This includes programming languages as well as databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL.

I also leverage on various frameworks such as Laravel and ASP.Net to enable development and rapid prototyping.

Contact me for more details

Contact Me

Thank you for contacting me. I will get back to you soonest possible.

Contact Info

  • 0700 203 130
  • muliswilliam
  • willi.wambu@gmail.com

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